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Oil Painting


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–Next session begins January 4th–

Times: Mondays 6:30-8:30pm or Saturday 1-3pm

Instructor: Michael Evans

Supply List: Download Supply List

Ages: Grades 6+

Students will study the varied techniques of oil painting. This classical style has been updated with a odorless and safe formula. Students learn a new style while being able to infuse their own creativity and interests in the subject matter.

Hunakai Studio of Fine Arts in Foxboro offers these oil painting classes for teenagers to further develop their skills and creativity.

Designed to showcase a variety of styles and techniques, these classes also give students a chance to learn more about where their passion lies. Participants are guided in both classical methodology and more modern methods while being given an opportunity to better express themselves and their areas of interest in the subject matter in these odorless sessions.

Taught by Hunakai instructor Carla Carey, these two-hour classes build on teens’ skills and help them take their passion for painting to the next level. Students will learn multiple and varied techniques to expand their repertoire and knowledge, while still being given the freedom to explore and further express their own creativity.

Though we recommend students have experience with either drawing or our Grades 4-6 class, it is not required.

How our classes work

  • Classes run for 2 month sessions. There are 7 classes per session.
  • Session dates are Sept+Oct, Nov+Dec, Jan+Feb, Mar+Apr, May+Jun.
  • Tuition prices are for the 2 month session.
  • Spots are held for current students. You must formally withdraw from class.
  • You must supply your own materials.

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